Aitkens Turf Update - April 15

Welcome to our April issue of Aitkens Turf Update!


Well it is nice to see that we have had some weather this week! Hopefully this is the start to a good season.

Augusta is on the TV this weekend which will put pressure on Golf Greenkeepers throughout the land with the annual cry of "Why is our course not like that"

The Bowls and Cricket seasons all get under way this month as well putting pressure on the greenkeepers for the opening days.

Well lets hope if we have a decent few weeks of weather it will help all types of turf greenkeepers to have the best possible turf for their club.

We also have some interesting offers on our products. Please contact our office or your local technical representative to find out more.

Below is information on our latest product news and how to follow us to receive all our latest information.

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Latest News

No More Chelford 28, What Next?

Now that Chelford 28 sand has come to an end, what should you replace it with?


Label changes – how will it affect you?

Bayer’s Dr. Colin Mumford talks about the upcoming Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) changes and what they will mean for groundsmen.


Holster XL proves deadly to weeds but gentle on turf

Rob Clare Course Manager of Brough Golf Club, is delighted with the results of his weed control programme.


Below are some products that may be of intrest at this time of year:-

Barclays Holster XL

An effective selective herbicide which contains a combination of three powerful killing ingredients that provide effective control with low application rates, it will even control Slender Speedwell


Award Nutri-Pro 8-0-12+Mg+Fe

A micro granular fertiliser and the first to include ROOTBOOSTER. This fertiliser is designed to energise and improve shoot, rootmass and length. The humic acid in the formulation will
stimulate microbial activity and help increase the plants stress tolerance. It also contains a trace element package.


Bayer Merit Turf

An insecticide for the control of Chafer Grubs and Leatherjackets. This product is renowned as the market leading insecticide for Chafer Grubs.


Barclay Ringer

A Carbendazim based product for the suppression of worm casts on managed amenity turf. It works primarily by an anti-feeding / repellent action which causes casting worms to avoid feeding in treated areas.


Blade 1 Greens Mix Seed

A traditional greens seed mix which includes the best cultivars on the market such as Arrowtown the top rated bent on the STRI list.


Terralift Rocastem

A liquid treatment for aerating the root-zone and invigorating the indigenous microbial population. Rocastem works at microscopic level to hit and help the 90% of the rootzone you won't get mechanically, adding real value to all your mechanical aeration activities
throughout the year.



Featured Products

Grass Seed and Turf

Blade 1 (Golf Greens, Bowling Greens)

Soil Amendments & Biostimulants

Terralift Rocastem


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