Aitkens Turf Update - May 2015

Welcome to our May issue of Aitkens Turf Update!


Well what a dry May we had! Our rain guage at our Sherburn office recorded a total of 6mm of rain in April. This morning we had a total of 30mm from over the bank holiday weekend.

The rain is most welcomed and we can all just hope that it does not forget to stop as it did a couple of years ago.

We have some interesting offers on our products. Please contact our office or your local technical representative to find out more.

Below is information on our latest product news and how to follow us to receive all our latest information.

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Latest News

Nutri-Pro aids Keepmoat pitch in marathon multi-sport season

Award Nutri-Pro and Quadrop makes the difference at Doncasters Keepmoat Stadium...


Merit Turf - Revocation

Merit Turf (MAPP 12415) has had its approval revoked by CRD


Label changes – how will it affect you?

Bayer’s Dr. Colin Mumford talks about the upcoming Classification, Labelling and Packaging (CLP) changes and what they will mean for groundsmen.


Below are some products that may be of intrest at this time of year:-


Award Osprey Active

A unique concentrated soil surfactant providing increased stress resistance, to ensure healthy uniform turf under stress conditions with increased root stimulation.


Barclays Holster XL

An effective selective herbicide which contains a combination of three powerful killing ingredients that provide effective control with low application rates, it will even control Slender Speedwell


Award Ultima (12-0-14+3%MgO)

A unique organic and mineral nutrient complex, it is both cost effective and environmentally superior to competing fertilisers. Ultima comprises of a unique four-tier nitrogen combination. The main tier uses a unique soya bean based organic complex. This will
build soil nutrient retention capacity, boost the soil microbiology promoting nutrient exchange and break down of thatch.


Everris CRF Mini (24-5-11+2%MgO+Te)

 A fertiliser containing a combination of controlled release fertiliser technology with compound granular technology. The controlled release technology leads to regular growth without peaks. The uncoated portion of this fertiliser allows an immediate response from the turf. The range is designed for use on turf cut above 6mm, so it is
ideal for use on tees, fairways, sportsfields and amenity turf and will last for up to 3 months. 


Bayer Merit Turf

An insecticide for the control of Chafer Grubs and Leatherjackets. This product is renowned as the market leading insecticide for Chafer Grubs.


Terralift Plantmax

A concentrated solution which contains 21% Amino acids and plant growth regulators with suspended humate fractions, which heighten grass vigor, colour and sward density. It will build stress tolerance for lower mower cutting heights and increased play.



Featured Products

Fertilisers (Granular)
Outfield Fertilisers

ICL Sportsmaster Mini CRF High N (24-5-11+MgO+CaO)

Soil Amendments & Biostimulants

Terralift Plantmax


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