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Vision Pitchline

Vision Pitchline

A range of quality line marking paints which have been tried and tested by professional groundsmen from many sports. We have had some great results and therefore we decided to add the products to our renowned Award range of products. Only products that are of the highest standards make it into the range.


A specially formulated paint designed for transfer wheel line markers. This paint has been designed for easy dilution for good weather conditions and can be used neat when conditions are against you. Pitchline will provide a higher quality line than the use of powders alone due to the binders used in the formulation. This line marking paint is ideal for smaller clubs with limited budgets who still require a quality line.   


  • For use with transfer wheel markers
  • A quality line for clubs with limited budgets
  • Provides a brighter longer lasting line than powders alone  
  • Recommended dilution for initial marking neat or NEAT
  • Recommended dilution for overmarking up to 1:1

Size: 10 / 1000Ltr


Vision Pitchline Discounts Available.

Buy over 10 - Pack Price £25.30



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