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Vision Nutri-Smart Liquid Manganese

Vision Nutri-Smart Liquid Manganese

A concentrated 2-0-0 + 6.5% Manganese supplement containing a recovery agent based upon amino acids and carbohydrates. Includes a complexing and stability agent to ensure efficient uptake and produce stable complexes over a wide pH range.

High Manganese

Manganese deficiency is a problem in the UK. Although most soils contain enough manganese, the soil pH (alkaline soils) influences availability to the plant. Manganese deficiency has shown to greatly enhance Take All Patch development, therefore adequate manganese fertility should be practiced as the application of manganese sulphate has been shown to reduce the severity and enhance recovery of Take All Patch.

Nutri-Smart Manganese contains 6.5% manganese to reduce the severity of Take All Patch Disease.

RSi (Root Stimulant and Improver)

Nutri-Smart Manganese contains a blend of root enhancing and plant stress relief biostimulants to increase secondary and tertiary root hair structure, this is based on short chain carbohydrates and amino acids.

When the plant is under considerable amounts of stress it cannot produce enough carbohydrates itself to meet demands. Nutri-Smart Manganese contains a source of carbohydrates to provide an immediate energy source for the plant to relieve stress symptoms.

Nutri-Smart Manganese contains a full range of amino acids for the plant, which it can utilise and can cross the membranes of cells into the root under stress conditions. It also strengthens the plant prior to the onset of abiotic stress symptoms and act as a recovery of the plant when the plant is under considerable environmental stresses such as disease pressure.

Acidifying Effect

Nutri-Smart Manganese can also be used as part of an integrated disease management approach to control Take All Patch Disease. The product acts by acidifying the stem base, changing the localised environmental detrimental to the disease and by naturally hardening the plant to resist attack by Take All Patch.



  • The application of manganese sulphate has been shown to reduce the severity of Take All Patch.
  • Preventive, curative, and recovery agent for Take All Patch.
  • Non fungicidal management approach for Take All Patch.
  • Easy to mix within the spray tank.
  • Contains RSi (Root Stimulant and Improver) biostimulant to increase vigour, root depth and root length.
  • Acidifying effect (lowers the pH) to help prevent disease on all types of turf.

Size: 5L

  • 5Ltr Pack Coverage: 5000 - 10,000 m²
  • Amount of Product Required:5-10 Ltr/Ha
  • Water Volume Required:500 Ltr/Ha




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