Aitkens. The Growing Company

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Aitkens SR (100% Strong Dwarf Ryegrass)

Aitkens SR (100% Strong Dwarf Ryegrass)

Three cultivars are blended in this economy mixture. Providing excellent wear tolerance, a good winter colour plus cleaness of cut. This mixture is ideal for football, rugby and cricket outfields.

This mix now includes a 4Turf Tetraploid perennial ryegrass. This will give extremely high wear tolerance under any nutrient programmes. Rapid germination and establishment with exceptional winter colour. Develops dense bottom growth in lower temperatures.

This mixture is ideal for football, rugby and cricket outfields.


  • 50% Double 4Turf Tetraploid Perennial Ryegrass

Rapid establishment, deep rooting, proven resistance to common sports turf diseases in every major European trial. Maintains exceptional turf quality and a deep green year round colour.

  • 20% Platinum Perennial Ryegrass

A cultivar that performes very well in winter and summer colour in the STRI guide.

  • 30% Esquire Perennial Ryegrass

A good all round performer with good year round colour

Size: 20Kg

  • Sowing Rate: 35 - 50 g/m²
  • Over Sowing: 15 - 20 g/m²
  • Mowing Height: Down to 20 mm




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