This 4-5 month fertiliser has been developed to efficiently feed the plant over a prolonged period. It will also help the plant prevent and manage stress conditions associated with todays requirements for quality turf.
A long steady release profile reduces the number of applications required and minimises losses through volatilisation and leaching, to providr both cost and environmental benefits. It will help the sward keep an even colour, playability and health without peaks of excessive growth or nutrient hunger.
These technologies allow for an enhanced efficiency fertiliser that can reduce fertiliser requirements, which is more efficient and economical. Less N lock-off means more of the applied N is taken up and utilized by the plant when required.
Reward CRF 22-5-10+3%MgO+1%CaO (4-5 Month)
Nutrient applied at
25g/m2 N - 55 P - 12.5 K - 25 Kg/Ha
30g/m2 N - 66 P - 15 K - 30 Kg/Ha
35g/m2 N - 77 P - 17.5 K - 35 Kg/Ha
Coated N % 65%
Pack size 20Kg
Application rate 25 - 35 g/m2
Pack Coverage 571 - 800m2
Suggested period of use: Jan - Dec