Aitkens. The Growing Company

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Aitkens FTF (Fine Tee and Fairway)

Aitkens FTF (Fine Tee and Fairway)

A very hard wearing fine leaved mixture. It has an excellent fast establishment qualities. FTF is a good low maintenance mixture due to the fescues selected. This mixture will also do well in shady and sloping areas due to the high percentage of creeping grasses.


  • 35% Trophy Chewings Fescue
  • 20% Smirna Slender Creeping Red Fescue
  • 30% Sergei Strong Creeping Red Fescue
  • 15% Rossinante Strong Creeping Red Fescue

Size: 20Kg

  • Sowing Rate: 35 - 50 g/m²
  • Over Sowing: 15 - 25 g/m²
  • Mowing Height: Down to 12 mm