Vision Hydrosolve

Hydrosolve is a curative surfactant, which has a unique blend
of surfactants and organic acids.
These are specifically designed to remove the cause of water
repellency issues in areas of localized dry patch and remove waxy
mycelium deposits from fairy rings.
Water repellency is caused by the waxy lipids that coat sand and
soil particles making them hydrophobic. Hydrosolve works directly
on the buildup of these hydrophobic waxes and lipids coating the
soil particles as it contains an organic acid. These acids act with
a mild cleansing action on the hydrophobic coatings, increasing the
number of sites available for re-hydrating.
Hydrosolve contains surfactants that keep these hydrophobic
materials in solution, hence
they cannot re-attach themselves back to the sand or soil
particles and can then be flushed
through the rootzone; removing this build up and reinstating
the soils natural water holding capacity. In addition the
surfactants will also restore the rootzones optimal moisture
- A rapid long lasting, effective curative treatment
- Acts directly on the cause of dry patch
- Reduces grass wilt and aids recovery of stressed turf
- Use as part of a dry patch management program with Hydroguard
wetting agent
- Extremely safe to all types of turfgrass
- Safe to soil microbes
- Ideal for hydrophobic environments caused by fairy rings.
Hydrosolve can be applied at any time of the year. For best
results use in early spring before starting with a wetting agent
programme with Hydroguard and apply in autumn after final wetting
agent treatment. Application rate 20Ltr per Ha in 600-1000Ltr of
water; ensure sufficient irrigation is applied to assist the
flushing process.
Fairy Rings
For Fairy Rings spike the rings to a depth of the mycelium in
the soil plus 2cm. The holes should be very close together and
should be made 10cm either side of the ring, as well as in the
green ring itself.
Irrigate the turf for 5 minutes, apply Hydrosolve at 20Ltrper
Ha rate and leave to stand for 1 hour. Repeat this process to
ensure the ring has had a thorough soakingwith Hydrosolve. Finally
irrigate/drench using a hosepipe until water floods on the surface,
then leave to soak in.
This process helps to break the water repellency ofthe fairy
ring mycelium.
Size: 5Ltr
- Pack Coverage: 5Ltr - 2500m²
- Amount of Product Required:20 Ltr/Ha
- Water Volume Required:600-1000 Ltr/Ha